Daniele Marinelli DT Socialize: who he is and what he does
Daniele Marinelli is the founder and CEO of DTSocialize Holding, which was initially created to include all the companies that were part of…
Daniele Marinelli is the founder and CEO of DTSocialize Holding, which was initially created to include all the companies that were part of…
On 5 May 2022, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) and the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published an opinion, adopted jointly by…
Daniele Marinelli, imprenditore a capo dell’azienda fintech DT Socialize, contribuisce periodicamente con magazine e blog del settore delle crypto e delle nuove tecnologie…
Sempre più spesso, al giorno d’oggi, sentiamo parlare della tecnologia Blockchain. Viviamo in un momento storico in cui questa innovazione sta avendo tantissima…